Program 29. Internationales Solo-Tanz-Theater Festival 2025

Festival Participants for This Year

Thursday, March 13, 2025, 8:00 PM

Choreography & Performance: Lucio Seta (Argentina)
Unspoken QueensPREMIERE
Choreography: Charly Mintya (Cameroon)
Performance: Marie Laure Mendana Assogo (Cameroon)
The Weight of SoundPREMIERE
Choreography & Performance: Pablo del Campo Márquez (Spain)
Choreography & Performance: Charly Santagado (USA)
The Space BetweenPREMIERE
Choreography & Performance: Carmine Vigliotti (Italy)
It is What it is PREMIERE
Choreography & Performance: Lou Grivac (France)

Friday, March 14, 2025, 8:00 PM

Kawaii SyndromePREMIERE
Choreography: Haruka Tomatsu (Japan)
Performance: Kotone Yoshimatsu (Japan)
Choreography & Performance: Nnamdi Nwagwu (Italy)
Choreography & Performance: Béatrice Larrivée (Canada)
Roots of InfinityPREMIERE
Choreography & Performance: David Micu (Romania)
Dime si con eso valePREMIERE
Choreography & Performance: Marina López de Diego (Spain)
Choreography & Performance: Dan Ozeri (United Kingdom)

Saturday, March 15, 2025, 8:00 PM

Two RelationshipsPREMIERE
Choreography & Performance: Cheng-Yang Peng (Taiwan)
Choreography & Performance: Maria Antunes (Portugal)
Choreography & Performance: Leon Franzke (Germany)
Choreography & Performance: Andrea Carrión García (Spain)
Ready, Set, Come BackPREMIERE
Choreography & Performance: Hamilton Blomquist (Sweden)
5% AwarenessPREMIERE
Choreography & Performance: Matilde Elena De Laco (Italy)

Sunday, 16 March 2025 – 17:00h Final and Awards Ceremony